【商品説明】 Product DescriptionFrank Frazetta is best known for his paintings of Robert E. Howard's quintessential sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian. Today, a Frazetta painting can fetch up to $250,000 on the open market. Painting With Fire is not only a love letter to the art, but to the artist as well, tracing his life from his Brooklyn childhood to the present, lingering on his unique combination of intuition and skill. This film is a must see for every comic book and graphic novel fan. Packaged in special anniversary collectors tin.
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Painting With Fire [DVD]
Product DescriptionFrank Frazetta is best known for his paintings of Robert E. Howard's quintessential sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian. Today, a Frazetta painting can fetch up to $250,000 on the open market. Painting With Fire is not only a love letter to the art, but to the artist as well, tracing his life from his Brooklyn childhood to the present, lingering on his unique combination of intuition and skill. This film is a must see for every comic book and graphic novel fan. Packaged in special anniversary collectors tin.
(中古品)Painting With Fire [DVD]///Product DescriptionFrank Frazetta is best known for his paintings of Robert E. Howard's quintessential sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian. Today, a Frazetta painting can fetch up to $250,000 on the open market. Painting With Fire is not only a love letter to the art, but to the artist as well, tracing his life from his Brooklyn childhood to the present, lingering on his unique combination of intuition and skill. This film is a must see for every comic book and graphic novel fan. Packaged in special anniversary collectors tin.