ソニック ザ ヘッジホッグ 大きい ぬいぐるみ 抱き枕 クッション 寝具 グッズ Franco Kids Bedding Super Soft Plush Snuggle Cuddle Pillow One Size Sonic The Hedgehog
ソニック ザ ヘッジホッグ 大きい ぬいぐるみ 抱き枕 クッション 寝具 グッズ Franco Kids Bedding Super Soft Plush Snuggle Cuddle Pillow One Size Sonic The Hedgehog
Franco Kids Bedding Super Soft Plush Snuggle Cuddle Pillow One Size Sonic The Hedgehog
61 × 17.8 × 20.3
・100% Microfiber ・★ SONIC THE HEDGEHOG DESIGN: Your little gamer will love cuddling up with his new three-dimensional Sonic the Hedgehog pal. The popular SEGA videogame character brings his bold colors and fun spirited attitude to this Sonic Speed Unlimited cuddle pillow. ・★ SOFT PLUSH QUALITY: Your little one would love to snuggle up with their favorite character by their side. Made of super soft plush material for a comfortable feel perfect to snuggle in your sleep or a great play time accessory. ・★ FUN AND CUDDLY: This cuddle pillow brings Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog to life with fun embroidered face details and dimensional ears and spiky hair shaped like the character from the popular video game. A great travel accessory for use in home car camping and sleepovers for napping and cuddling. ・★ ITEM INCLUDES: The Sonic The Hedgehog character shaped plush cuddle pillow measures 22” (H) x 7" (W) x 10" (T).
ソニック ザ ヘッジホッグ 大きい ぬいぐるみ 抱き枕 クッション 寝具 グッズ Franco Kids Bedding Super Soft Plush Snuggle Cuddle Pillow One Size Sonic The Hedgehog
・★ SONIC THE HEDGEHOG DESIGN: Your little gamer will love cuddling up with his new three-dimensional Sonic the Hedgehog pal. The popular SEGA videogame character brings his bold colors and fun spirited attitude to this Sonic Speed Unlimited cuddle pillow.
・★ SOFT PLUSH QUALITY: Your little one would love to snuggle up with their favorite character by their side. Made of super soft plush material for a comfortable feel perfect to snuggle in your sleep or a great play time accessory.
・★ FUN AND CUDDLY: This cuddle pillow brings Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog to life with fun embroidered face details and dimensional ears and spiky hair shaped like the character from the popular video game. A great travel accessory for use in home car camping and sleepovers for napping and cuddling.
・★ ITEM INCLUDES: The Sonic The Hedgehog character shaped plush cuddle pillow measures 22” (H) x 7" (W) x 10" (T).
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ソニック ザ ヘッジホッグ 大きい ぬいぐるみ 抱き枕 クッション 寝具 グッズ Franco Kids Bedding Super Soft Plush Snuggle Cuddle Pillow One Size Sonic The Hedgehog