【商品説明】 AmazonよりIn creating MTV's contribution to the decline of Western civilization, perverse clay-animation wizard Eric Fogel took the same technique used in lovable children's specials and molded it into a twisted, bloody spectacle combining the best elements of professional wrestling, celebrity gossip shows, and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It's no surprise his hysterical result became popular enough to spawn its own series of home video highlights.This clay-per-view special has legendary referee Mills Lane, tuxedo-clad announcers Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond, and brassy interviewer Stacey Cornbred presenting as much muscle and mayhem as the rich and famous can deliver. Eerily detailed clay contestants include "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Cindy Crawford, Janeane Garofalo, and comedian Chris Rock, who attempts to feed Adam Sandler into a giant razor-sharp fan. On the minus side, the editing is fast and furious--at 45 minutes, the collection winds down just before it wears you out. The humor tends to be topical and relies on the same meat-rending joke played out in countless different ways: annoying celebrities-of-the-moment get all the agony they deserve. On the plus side, this one joke can be pretty darn funny. When snarling songbird Celine Dion starts yanking out punk rocker Keith Flint's body-piercings, you don't really need to know a thing about the players that isn't mentioned in the nonstop color commentary. Despite your higher instincts, you just start laughing... after all, as they say, it's just clay. --Grant Balfour
1.ご注文 ご注文は24時間受け付けております 2.注文確認ご注文後、注文確認メールを送信します 3.在庫確認 在庫切れの場合はご連絡させて頂きます。 ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますのでお届けまで3〜7営業日程度とお考え下さい。 4.入金確認 前払い決済をご選択の場合、ご入金確認後、配送手配を致します。 5.出荷 配送準備が整い次第、出荷致します。配送業者、追跡番号等の詳細をメール送信致します。 6.到着 出荷後、1〜3日後に商品が到着します。 ※離島、北海道、九州、沖縄は遅れる場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。 (中古品)Greatest Hits [VHS]//MTV-Celebrity Deathmatch: Artist/AmazonよりIn creating MTV's contribution to the decline of Western civilization, perverse clay-animation wizard Eric Fogel took the same technique used in lovable children's specials and molded it into a twisted, bloody spectacle combining the best elements of professional wrestling, celebrity gossip shows, and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It's no surprise his hysterical result became popular enough to spawn its own series of home video highlights.This clay-per-view special has legendary referee Mills Lane, tuxedo-clad announcers Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond, and brassy interviewer Stacey Cornbred presenting as much muscle and mayhem as the rich and famous can deliver. Eerily detailed clay contestants include "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Cindy Crawford, Janeane Garofalo, and comedian Chris Rock, who attempts to feed Adam Sandler into a giant razor-sharp fan. On the minus side, the editing is fast and furious
Greatest Hits [VHS]
MTV-Celebrity Deathmatch: Artist
AmazonよりIn creating MTV's contribution to the decline of Western civilization, perverse clay-animation wizard Eric Fogel took the same technique used in lovable children's specials and molded it into a twisted, bloody spectacle combining the best elements of professional wrestling, celebrity gossip shows, and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It's no surprise his hysterical result became popular enough to spawn its own series of home video highlights.This clay-per-view special has legendary referee Mills Lane, tuxedo-clad announcers Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond, and brassy interviewer Stacey Cornbred presenting as much muscle and mayhem as the rich and famous can deliver. Eerily detailed clay contestants include "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Cindy Crawford, Janeane Garofalo, and comedian Chris Rock, who attempts to feed Adam Sandler into a giant razor-sharp fan. On the minus side, the editing is fast and furious--at 45 minutes, the collection winds down just before it wears you out. The humor tends to be topical and relies on the same meat-rending joke played out in countless different ways: annoying celebrities-of-the-moment get all the agony they deserve. On the plus side, this one joke can be pretty darn funny. When snarling songbird Celine Dion starts yanking out punk rocker Keith Flint's body-piercings, you don't really need to know a thing about the players that isn't mentioned in the nonstop color commentary. Despite your higher instincts, you just start laughing... after all, as they say, it's just clay. --Grant Balfour
(中古品)Greatest Hits [VHS]//MTV-Celebrity Deathmatch: Artist/AmazonよりIn creating MTV's contribution to the decline of Western civilization, perverse clay-animation wizard Eric Fogel took the same technique used in lovable children's specials and molded it into a twisted, bloody spectacle combining the best elements of professional wrestling, celebrity gossip shows, and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It's no surprise his hysterical result became popular enough to spawn its own series of home video highlights.This clay-per-view special has legendary referee Mills Lane, tuxedo-clad announcers Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond, and brassy interviewer Stacey Cornbred presenting as much muscle and mayhem as the rich and famous can deliver. Eerily detailed clay contestants include "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Cindy Crawford, Janeane Garofalo, and comedian Chris Rock, who attempts to feed Adam Sandler into a giant razor-sharp fan. On the minus side, the editing is fast and furious