【商品説明】 内容紹介This, the first Buddha-Bar CD/DVD, follows the seventh successful Buddha-Bar CD (released in February 2005). The nature theme is one of the major concerns of the 21st century, and it corresponds to the Buddha-Bar spirit. Allain Bougrain Dubourg, known for his TV documentaries about nature across the world, and Arno Elias, whose talent as a composer is also widely recognized, produced twelve pieces of music that lead us on a visual journey through the wild world of nature. A marvelous spectacle of animal and plant life, from dolphins dancing in the waves to tropical forests, to a leopard attack, the DVD is bursting with emotion. The Buddha-Bar team hopes that the beauty of the wildlife depicted will remind us also of its fragility, and therefore, the respect we owe it.Product DescriptionThis, the first Buddha-Bar CD/DVD, follows the seventh successful Buddha-Bar CD (released in February 2005). The nature theme is one of the major concerns of the 21st century, and it corresponds to the Buddha-Bar spirit. Allain Bougrain Dubourg, known for his TV documentaries about nature across the world, and Arno Elias, whose talent as a composer is also widely recognized, produced twelve pieces of music that lead us on a visual journey through the wild world of nature. A marvelous spectacle of animal and plant life, from dolphins dancing in the waves to tropical forests, to a leopard attack, the DVD is bursting with emotion. The Buddha-Bar team hopes that the beauty of the wildlife depicted will remind us also of its fragility, and therefore, the respect we owe it.
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Buddha Bar Nature (W/Dvd)
Various Artists: artist;
内容紹介This, the first Buddha-Bar CD/DVD, follows the seventh successful Buddha-Bar CD (released in February 2005). The nature theme is one of the major concerns of the 21st century, and it corresponds to the Buddha-Bar spirit. Allain Bougrain Dubourg, known for his TV documentaries about nature across the world, and Arno Elias, whose talent as a composer is also widely recognized, produced twelve pieces of music that lead us on a visual journey through the wild world of nature. A marvelous spectacle of animal and plant life, from dolphins dancing in the waves to tropical forests, to a leopard attack, the DVD is bursting with emotion. The Buddha-Bar team hopes that the beauty of the wildlife depicted will remind us also of its fragility, and therefore, the respect we owe it.Product DescriptionThis, the first Buddha-Bar CD/DVD, follows the seventh successful Buddha-Bar CD (released in February 2005). The nature theme is one of the major concerns of the 21st century, and it corresponds to the Buddha-Bar spirit. Allain Bougrain Dubourg, known for his TV documentaries about nature across the world, and Arno Elias, whose talent as a composer is also widely recognized, produced twelve pieces of music that lead us on a visual journey through the wild world of nature. A marvelous spectacle of animal and plant life, from dolphins dancing in the waves to tropical forests, to a leopard attack, the DVD is bursting with emotion. The Buddha-Bar team hopes that the beauty of the wildlife depicted will remind us also of its fragility, and therefore, the respect we owe it.
(中古品)Buddha Bar Nature (W/Dvd)//Various Artists: artist; /内容紹介This, the first Buddha-Bar CD/DVD, follows the seventh successful Buddha-Bar CD (released in February 2005). The nature theme is one of the major concerns of the 21st century, and it corresponds to the Buddha-Bar spirit. Allain Bougrain Dubourg, known for his TV documentaries about nature across the world, and Arno Elias, whose talent as a composer is also widely recognized, produced twelve pieces of music that lead us on a visual journey through the wild world of nature. A marvelous spectacle of animal and plant life, from dolphins dancing in the waves to tropical forests, to a leopard attack, the DVD is bursting with emotion. The Buddha-Bar team hopes that the beauty of the wildlife depicted will remind us also of its fragility, and therefore, the respect we owe it.Product DescriptionThis, the first Buddha-Bar CD/DVD, follows the seventh successful Buddha-Bar CD (released in February 2005