ニチバン 製本ラベル<再生紙> 契約印用ホワイト(40セット) 特徴: 製本テープをA4の長さにカッティングしたシートタイプです。朱肉がのりやすい再生紙の製本ラベルです。ステープラーの針が透けて見えません。 商品仕様: ◆入数:10片◆契約書割印用 ◆材質:基材:アルミ貼り合わせ再生紙、粘着剤:アクリル系、はく離紙:ノンポリラミ紙 ◆本体サイズ:35×297mm(A4判用) A characteristic: It is the seat type that cut binding tape to the length of A4. It is a binding label of the regenerated paper which vermilion is easy to appear in. The needle of the stapler is not transparent.
Product specifications: ◆入数: Ten slices of ◆ contract tally seals use
◆Materials: Base material: Aluminum laminating regenerated paper an adhesive: An acrylic system a detachment paper: ノンポリラミ ◆Body size: 35*297mm (for the A4 size)
ニチバン 製本ラベル<再生紙> 契約印用ホワイト(40セット)
A characteristic:
It is the seat type that cut binding tape to the length of A4. It is a binding label of the regenerated paper which vermilion is easy to appear in. The needle of the stapler is not transparent.
Product specifications:
◆入数: Ten slices of ◆ contract tally seals use
◆Materials: Base material: Aluminum laminating regenerated paper an adhesive: An acrylic system a detachment paper: ノンポリラミ
◆Body size: 35*297mm (for the A4 size)